Okay, so as a Zone Leader I have to drive quiet a bit. Anyway we went to Harare last week for a Zone Conference/Mission Tour with Elder Ellis and well it was great. Anyway, driving home was interesting. We are driving along, going maybe 120-130 K's and this car with Mozambique plates comes flying along and starts to pass people and he has this semi-truck coming his way and he runs the other car in our lane off the road and almost gets killed, and he did it so many times it was nuts. Most people don't have a drivers license cause it is super hard to get one out here and so most people just drive without one, and they definitely don't know how to drive, so it makes things interesting for me. But I am still alive and kicking!
But I will admit that I am tired, a lot of the time. I don't know why, I just get tired. Maybe it is the 33 degrees that is killing me, but I just get super tired, but it is at all the wrong times. Like I look at my watch and I am tired at times when if I was there in the States, I would be asleep. But feel awake at times where I would be awake in the states even when I am getting ready to go to be here in Zimbabwe. I don't know, is there such a thing as reverse jet-lag? Maybe my body is getting ready to get back into the states.
Okay so out here electrical power is Magatse, but it is commonly called Zessa because that is the company that supplies it. So out here in Dangamvura there is almost never a day when we don't lose zessa. And it can be all day. Gone from 7 in the morning to 10 at night. It is rough. I don't know how they lose it so often, but they do. Sometimes it is good, and it stays for the entire day, but it is not very often. It seems to only be Dangamvura. Sakubva, Chikanga, Hob House and the other areas have zessa almost all the time now. Not us.
Anyway, the area is in need of some work. Trying to get things to happen out here but it can be a little slow sometimes. We got four new investigators this week, but none of them came to church on Sunday. We have been trying to get the members to give us referrals but that hasn't happened yet. So, we are just plugging away, and well, at the very least we are "laying the foundation of a great work"!
My companion is great. A little quiet sometimes, but he is super smart. He is a hard worker and he just loves the work. He has only been a Zone Leader for a few weeks, he got ET'd there middle of last transfer, and so we are both sort of new to it, but he has gotten the hang of it really well.
"[On Easter] we celebrate the gift of victory of every fall we have ever experienced, every sorrow we have ever known, every discouragement we have ever had, every fear we have ever faced- to say nothing of our resurrection from death and forgiveness for our sins"
-Jeffrey R Holland
"The Savior accomplished the Atonement, which resolves the most terrible burdens that can occur in this life, He did it for you. He did it for me. He did it because He loves us and because He obeys and loves His Father. We will be rescued from death- even from the depths of the sea."
-Quentin L Cook
These may sound more like Easter time quotes then approaching winter time quotes. But we need to remember what Christ did for us everyday. I read a talk once by President Gordan B Hinckley that said that without Easter there would be reason to celebrate Christmas, and you can ask my companion Elder Chibanda, we were listening to about two hours of Christmas music on our way down here from Mutare. It was nice.
Anyway, I know that the Savior lives. I know that He loves all of us and that He died and lives for us. I know that if we will trust Him, everything will be alright in the end.
"We've learned Earths languages, through the World Wide Web."
"I am not a real Shark slayer!"
"You want a piece of me?! You want a piece?! No! I want two!"
"Be there if you don't want to see her sleeping with the fishes, the dead ones."
I love you all.
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