Recently my email seems to be having problems sending emails, and I had a friend message me and express concern that I didn't want to stay in touch anymore. To you I say "I want to stay in touch! I am so sorry my email isn't working the way it is supposed two. I have emailed you every week, and seems like things are having technical difficulties. Please be patient and trust that I care about you." I know you have been reading this email and I hope you know that I am talking to you.
This week we had a pretty good week. We were a little low on contacts, but we picked up four new investigators, two of which were member referrals. I love when the members get involved in the work. It is the best thing that can happen to forward the work, short of everyone around me having an experience like Alma the Younger and Paul. The first was a man named Ross who is a friend of our Ward Mission Leader (the guy who is in charge of us in the ward) and he was great. He started out like he wasn't really interested, since our WML told him we wanted to "Practice" the lessons, which is always a little risky since they may ignore everything you say. But he started to listen, the Spirit was strong and he had great questions. When we were talking about how the Lord always calls Prophets as promised in Amos 3:7 and about dispensation (or times when the gospel is on the earth) he was like "wait when was the last dispensation?" and we were like that is an amazing question and the amazing answer to it has to do with a boy named Joseph Smith. Long story short, he took a copy of the Book of Mormon and wants to meet again, and told us that it all makes sense. The other was a man who came to church and has been taught the lessons by his member friends and he wants to be baptised. I love it! Long story short: MEMBERS, YOUR HELP FORWARDS THE MISSIONARY EFFORTS AND HELPS PEOPLE COME UNTO THE SAVIOR!!!!!
Elder Dean and I are doing great, trying to get as much done as we can in the two weeks that I am still here state side. Can you believe that I am leaving in two weeks? I sure can't! His family is doing great, and that is great. I love to work with the guy. Don't get me wrong, we have our differences and there have been difficulties, but we are a great team and things are just going great.
All my life my older brothers have called me a "Momma's Boy" and more recently "The Golden Child". I stand here and say that I AM a momma's boy. And I am proud of it. There are many people who are momma's boys. Superman, Spider-man(for his Aunt) and countless other "Superheroes" were Momma's boys. In the Book of Mormon we read about the Strippling Warriors who "Thought more on the liberty of their fathers then they did upon their own lives... they rehearsed unto me the words of their Mothers saying We do not doubt our mothers knew it." Alma 56: 47-48. Joseph Smith the Prophet and his brother Hyrum were "Momma's Boys" who gave great honor and respect to their Mother. And undoubtedly the best example to us all, not only in loving our mothers, but in everything was our Savior Jesus Christ, who while he was on the Cross suffering the worst way a man can suffer, even unto death, saw his mother and the Disciple whom he loved and said "Woman, behold they son! Then saith he to the disciple behold thy Mother!" John 19: 26-27. I marvel that in the midst of such pain and suffering the Savior took the time to see to it that his mother would be watched over and cared for.
I am grateful that I have the Mother I have. (Please don't think I love you any less Daddy, yours is next month). I know that Heavenly Father gives us these families for a reason, and that they let us grow and they are where we truly come to understand love. I hope that we will all take a little time and spend it with our families, because they are some of our greatest blessings.
I love you Momma.
"You are a toy! You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell."
"Oh sure save the horse"
"If I were my real size your cow here would die of fright."
Here is my travel Schedule real fast
San Jose to LA Leave 4:15pm Arrive 5:30pm
LA to London Leave 7:50pm Arrive 2:20pm
London to Johannesburg Leave 7:10pm Arrive 7:10am
Johannesburg to Harare Leave 10:40am Arrive 12:20pm
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