Okay, so it is funny the looks that kids give me when they see me walk past them, or enter their house, or speak to them. Just huge eyes. SO as of late there is a family with a very noisy child, who when ever we come over gets even more loud and so the parents have taken to handing me a belt and telling their son that I will beat him if he is not quiet. I can intimidate, but I don't know how to follow through. If it came down to it, nothing would happen.
Okay, so in mission lingo, when a missionary trains a new missionary, or in other words, teaches he/she the way to be a missionary, they are your "son/daughter" so yea, I am gonna be a dad. I am gonna train a new missionary, and help him to learn how to be a missionary. It will be cool, gonna stay in Nketa 1 and be here till the end of my mission.My journey as an Elder for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Zimbabwe, Harare Mission.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
"Big eyes, give me those big eyes" "I'm gonna be a dad!"-Robots "[Dirty water is] disgusting"-Ice Age
Monday, July 13, 2015
"Would you relax?! It's just a [dog]"-Rio "Do I look stupid to you?"-Bugs life "So how are [you] related again?"-Emperors New Groove
Okay, so out here there are several stray and wild dogs that walk around without any problems right. Well, these dogs are as far as I can tell, truly harmless and they are more afraid of us then we are of them, well other then my companion that is. He is terrified of the dogs out here. When ever one walks past he starts to say "comp it's a dog" over and over again. I am trying to get him over it, but it is kind of funny. Anyway, no cause to fear dogs so far as I can tell. Well, at least the stray ones, the ones inside the gates that go crazy at night as you walk past the gate, those ones I can understand being afraid of. I remember back in Gweru there was a time we were doing a service project and the Sisters walked up to this gate and like five German Shepherds jumped up and started barking, well safe to say the sisters hurried out of there.
Okay, so funny experience this past week. We were going around tracting, and so we contacted some people outside of a house who said they were in a hurry but we could talk to the other people inside. So we go and knock on the door and a little kid comes out. We send him to call the people inside, and so he goes and we hear them quietly scold him and he rushes out. Then a young man comes out and my companion says "what did they tell you to say" and he said "they said they are bathing." Well as we walked past I had noticed that the room they were in was the living room, with the TV. So I said "in the TV room?" and the kid really quick ducks back inside and slams the door. So we walked away and as we went past their window said we hoped they enjoyed their bath. People have really bad excuses for when they are busy, or they thing we are stupid. Friday, July 10, 2015
"That boy is our only hope"-Star Wars "That was a close one"-MIB 3 "You'll learn to love it"-Lion King "Don't be a [baby]"-Hotel Transylvania
Okay, so the Deaf couple, Solomon and Susan Nhengu, have a hearing son, named Tawanda, and we are putting a lot on him let me tell ya. Right he is also learning with his parents about the Gospel and we are trying to get him converted to the gospel as fast as we can to get him to be able to help with his parents. We are working hard to get that all to work well, and the great news is that Tawanda came to church. So that is great, and we are hoping soon to have some instruction on what to do about baptizing them, cause the parents want to, but we are worried about them being able to endure to the end. Keep your fingers crossed.
So nothing is worse then when a powerful investigator who you are planning to baptize calls you and tells you he and his wife want you to stop visiting and they want to give back everything you ever gave them. Well my comp and I had that heart attack this past week. We did some damage/fire control and got a member to go with us and have what could have been our last visit, and well, we were blessed insomuch that they are still meeting with us and want to get baptized. It was a combination of language barrier and they were getting some bad peer presser from their family. But all is now well, and they are coming along great. Sunday, July 5, 2015
"There's 104 days [left on my mission]"-Phineas and Ferb "That's just a wee [rabbits leg]"-Brave "It's because I'm green isn't it?"-How the Grinch Stole Christmas "There goes another one, just like [The Watkins]"-Hercules
Okay, so I am continuing the fun of the D&C Challenge. Can't believe how easy it is, I don't see why people would start and then stop before ending. Anyway, I have red the 105th section today of the Doctrine and Covenants and it was a pretty good section, directed to Zions Camp. Not to bad. Anyway, section 104 is tomorrow, meaning not counting today, I have 104 days left of mission, kind of like summer. Interesting.
Okay, so out here you never know what you are gonna get at a dinner appointment. Fish, cow throat, Kovo, a really slimy veggie type thing that I don't know the name of and sometimes even home raised rabbit. Yep, went to a dinner this past week and they told us that they own rabbits, and then they bring in our plate of Sadza and what at first glance could have fooled you into thinking it was chicken, but wasn't. Yep rabbit, from their own that they keep. And it was really good. A little tougher then I thought it would be, but super good. I mean given then choice between cow throat, chicken throat, fish and rabbit, I'll take the rabbit. I wouldn't mind going back there for seconds.
So, being in a walking area, we sometimes are slow getting home. So sometimes you have to try to hitch hike your way home. Sometimes it goes great, and you get picked up no problems and you head home and it is all good. Other times you stand there by the side of the road for a good fifteen minuets and you wonder if you will make it home before pumpkin hour hits. Well that was how it was the other day for us. Out there trying to flag people down and nothing is worse then when they stop, ask where you are going, and then tell you that they aren't going there and drive off. I never thought I would have to do this so much, but it is a fun experience. Then when you get one, usually a private car, you and your comp get to squeeze into the back of the car that is made for three in the back, with two already there. Good times, good times.
So, this week we say goodbye to the Cook's. Man that is weird. I love the Cook's so much. I am really gonna miss them. Hard to believe that I have been here with them for a year now. And it is hard to believe how similar their last advice was to the Watkin's last advice. All about dating and marriage. They were like "for those of you who are going home soon this is things you need to know" which I was fine with, till my companion nudged me and was like "that's you" and then it was like, awww. I hate being reminded that I am getting old. Anyway, new mission president gets in this week, who knows what changes that will bring. I don't. The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.
Anyway, this week was pretty good. Lots of other lessons. Not many member presents. Anyway, we are working hard, and planning on some baptisms in a few weeks. Also working hard on earning the trust of members. Told them yesterday that if they see us walking past their houses, not to assume that we know that a member lives there, but rather to yell out at us. That way we can learn who lives where in an easier way. That would be really nice. Not too much to say there this week.
My companion and I are doing great. Let me tell ya, we get along well. We both just had a companionship that we didn't really enjoy but we are both enjoying this one.
Dang it. My comp and I left the house this morning to go to a Train Museum here in Bulawayo, and "visions of [trains] danced in my head" and I forgot my quote book again. I am really sorry. There are some good quotes in there that I was gonna share. Well how about some pictures instead?
I had an interesting conversation with a man trying to get me to forsake the Book of Mormon and deny my faith, or at least that was his intent but he wasn't so blunt about it. Made me think of the conversation Christ had with His Apostles. "Will ye also go away." the Savior asked of them. "and Peter answered and said, where shall we go... thou hast the words of eternal life." I know it is bold of us as missionaries to tell people they need to read the Book of Mormon and learn about the Prophet Joseph Smith, but we are bold because we "fear not what man can do, for perfect love casteth out all fear" as Mormon puts it. We love those around us and we know that what we have will bring peace in this life, and eternal life in the world to come.
I know that is the truth. I know that what we have is what everyone needs, Jew, Gentile and everyone in between.
"Whats this mini bar fee? Well honey, the kids threw the mini bar out the window. And that's our fault?"
"1, 2, 3, 4, get the kid back through the door."
"Go sit in the corner, you're in time out. Time out?! I'm a grown man."
"That's a cute little dance you got there, almost looks like you have ta... oh."
i love you all.
[It was] awesome." "Focus, focus, focus" "I'm just one me"-Kung Fo Panda "Just like [back in Gweru]"-Scooby-doo
Okay, so this past week we had a deaf Baba that we met and he asked us to teach his family, right. So we met him at church and now we are doing our best to teach him. Well it is awesome. His wife is also deaf, and his son is hearing. So we are teaching all three of them. We have found a member to help us with the sign language, and that is good cause let me tell you, American Sign and Zimbabwe Sign is apples and oranges. Hard to figure it all out. But it is great, the baba has come to church twice now and we are working to go through everything with him.
Okay, I have t admit, I am so easily unfocused from what I am doing sometimes. And so is my companion which can be really bad. For me it is hardest when conversations go into Shona or worse Ndebele and I can't understand anything. Well, then my mind goes to other things. Like a member was telling me about Avengers 2 and now like any given time my mind can go to Avengers in a heart beat. It is rough, and sometimes I come back into an English conversation and think, wait what? It isn't good, and I am working on it, but it is rough.
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